Being able to make effective use of digital devices and software (such as tablets, email, etc) is known as being digitally literate. Such digital literacy is becoming a key and essential skill in of all parts of modern life such as education, the workplace and our own leisure time.
At Turnbull High School, we have always looked to make effective use of digital technologies to enhance learning and teaching and want to make sure that pupils, parents and staff are all clear about how they can be most effectively employed.
Evidence of this can be seen in our Digital Schools Award status.

Therefore, in consultation with pupils, parents and staff about the digital literacy skills that we would want all members of the Turnbull High School community to have, we have come up with our DIGITAL LITERACY POLICY (which can be found in the resources section below).
A key area of this policy is the home learning element. A summary of how Turnbull’s home learning operates via SHOW MY HOMEWORK (SMHW) for day-to-day homework (or during a school closure) can be seen below.
Useful links
- Support and information on how to register and use SMHW for pupils and parents can be found at the Satchel One website (the company who makes SMHW) -
- e-Sgoil (a Western Isles initiative) is offering a wide range of real-time, interactive Study Support webinar lessons to help consolidate school-based learning. Live webinar lessons will run for an initial block of eight sessions. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. For a more information, please visit their website at:
- SCHOLAR (from Heriott Watt University) currently offers 37 online courses aligned to the SQA curriculum at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher level. The materials contain a variety of activities, tests and quizzes that offer instant feedback. Pupils can use the Scholar tile in Glow to access their account directly for applicable courses.
- BBC Bitesize is a free online study support resource for school-age pupils. It is designed to aid pupils with their schoolwork, homework, revision and learning. It includes free videos, step-by-step guides, activities and quizzes by level and subject. Includes a wide range of subjects at National 4, National 5 and Higher. No password required at
- The National Parent Forum of Scotland has several advice sheets (known as Nutshells) to support digital learning at