As part of our School Mission we offer all young people at Turnbull opportunities to develop their values and a range of beneficial skills in the following ways.
The values that we look to develop in these activities are the School’s values of FAITH, LOVE, COMMUNITY and SERVICE.
To support Developing Young Workforce (DYW) activities, the core skills we aim to develop are from the SQA’s “Skills for Learning, Life and Work” (SfLLW) framework ( These are shown below.
We will provide you with WIDER ACHIEVEMENT PROFILES for your child which will show the mix of in and out of class activities that they have been involved with and the key skills and values that they have been developed through participating in them.
By sharing this information, we hope this will allow you and your child to more clearly understand how these achievements have been of benefit to them. This can also be used to allow you all to identify strengths and any areas they would like to prioritise for further development next session.
We would be very grateful if you could also tell us about any achievements young people have been gained outside of school that we might not know about. This could include things like clubs, awards, sports successes, competitions, etc. You can do this via this link:
More information about all of our WIDER ACHIEVEMENT OPPORTUNITES can been seen in the interactive guide you can download here - WIDER ACHIEVEMENT GUIDE.