Welcome to the Business Education and Computing Science Department (BECS) within Turnbull High School.

We offer our pupils the opportunity to enhance skills for learning, life and work through a broad range of dynamic subjects which enable our pupils to get themselves equipped for the world of work in the future, regardless of their future career. 

Aims of BECS courses available in Turnbull High School are broadly: 

  • to develop pupil skills in communication in a variety of formats
  • to develop pupil skills in thinking and creativity to enable innovation
  • to develop an enterprising and ‘can do’ attitude
  • to develop pupil employability for the future

So whether pupils are learning about how to program a computer in Computing Science, using software on a computer in Administration and IT, or learning more about how businesses operate in Business Management, these courses all help develop pupil skills in creating a pathway to the future, developing pupil talents and abilities to the full. 

We also try to give pupils opportunities beyond the classroom where appropriate. 

Please visit our departmental blog for more details on all courses.
